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call: +44 (0)330 0272180

A service designed specifically for busy professionals 

Feeling uncertain? Access quick, judgement-free, confidential clinical and coaching support for personal and professional well-being and performance. Amplify helps you regain clarity, cope better and perform at your best. 

Stressed Man

Our services 

Chemistry Check 

 Free 20 minute video call to answer questions and discuss if Amplify  is the  right option for you right now. 



1 session to help you pause, assess, plan.  No commitment, just a chance to get your thinking straight. 



  3 sessions for short-term problem solving and psychological support specific to your challenges and goals.



 5 sessions of comprehensive emotional support and planning to get you back to your best. 



01. Experienced 

We are experienced HCPC registered  UK psychologists.

02. Impactful

 67% of people return to self management   after our brief intervention options.

03. Efficient

Most people only need 3-4 sessions to get back to their best. 

  Our approach is informed by our work with 2000 + professionals in finance, insurance and media. 

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 Dr Stacey Hemmings

Stacey is the Managing Director of Amplify and an experienced chartered clinical psychologist with 13 + years across voluntary, NHS and private healthcare sectors. For the past five years Stacey has worked exclusively within corporate mental health, leading a team of psychologists to deliver a highly successful portfolio of mental health and wellbeing initiatives across a range of organisations. Stacey has been a trusted aid to senior leaders across the financial services and insurance sectors helping them to find equilibrium amidst the relentless demands of their roles. Her in-depth understanding of these industries means that Stacey understands the unique pressures that senior leaders face and she has been an indispensable asset to those seeking to achieve greater balance and fulfilment in their lives. Known for her ability to bridge the worlds of mental health and performance, her expertise lies not only in working with common mental health and wellbeing issues but also burnout, performance anxiety, and the nuanced ways early trauma can manifest in the workplace. Stacey also brings extensive experience of working with sensitive issues such as addiction, sexual health and complex mental health difficulties.

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Dr Sebastian Townsend

Sebastian is a Director at Amplify and an experienced Clinical Psychologist, he specialises in working with middle and senior leaders in media, finance and insurance. He has an acute understanding of the challenges these professionals face and the emotional obstacles that can silently undermine their success personally and professionally, including burnout, poor boundaries, loss of meaning, stress, anxiety and addiction. Sebastian has previously worked as a clinician and clinical leader in a range of clinical services in the NHS. Prior to joining Amplify Sebastian was the Director of Psychological services for a large primary care provider.

What our clients say



"I’d definitely recommend the service. It can very quickly alleviate some of the pressure of tough times." 


Work Place
Chatting Over Coffee

Unlock clarity and focus and regain your mental edge

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